How To Use A Phin Coffee Maker (Step-by-Step Guide) is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases made through affiliate links on our site at no extra cost to you. This supports our efforts to bring you valuable kitchen-related content.

how to use a phin coffee maker

Vietnamese coffee, brewed using the iconic phin filter, is a unique coffee experience loved by coffee enthusiasts around the world. With its rich, smooth, chocolatey flavors and signature sweetened condensed milk, Vietnamese phin coffee is a delicious treat that’s easy to recreate at home.

In this article, you’ll learn everything about making authentic Vietnamese coffee with a phin, from the special coffee beans used to the proper coffee-to-water ratio. I’ll explain step-by-step how to brew Vietnamese iced coffee and hot coffee using this traditional Vietnamese coffee maker. Read on for tips, tricks, and a complete Vietnamese coffee recipe to help you make cafe-quality Vietnamese coffee at home!

What is a Vietnamese Phin and How Does it Work?

A phin, also called a phin filter, is a Vietnamese coffee filter used to brew Vietnamese drip coffee. It’s a simple yet ingenious single-cup Vietnamese coffee maker made from stainless steel or aluminum.

The phin has three parts – a chamber with tiny holes at the bottom to filter the coffee, a pressed metal filter that fits tightly over the chamber, and a lid. To brew, you put ground coffee in the chamber, fit the press filter over it, pour hot water in and let it slowly drip into your cup.

This brewing method extracts all the oils and flavors perfectly from ground beans, resulting in a super strong and absurdly smooth Vietnamese iced coffee that’s even thicker than espresso. The phin allows you to make Vietnamese coffee easily at home, with any coffee beans and no fancy equipment required.

Selecting Coffee Beans for Vietnamese Phin Coffee

Traditionally, Vietnamese coffee is brewed using dark roasted Robusta beans grown in the Vietnamese highlands. Robusta beans have a natural chocolatey, nutty flavor and twice the caffeine of Arabica beans, making them perfect for the strong, concentrated coffee that a phin produces.

An authentic traditional Vietnamese coffee blend will contain almost 100% Robusta beans. However, you can experiment with blending in some Arabica beans, using a French roast or other darker roasts, to customize your flavor. Avoid lighter roasts as they won’t have as intense a flavor.

Look for whole coffee beans with an oily sheen. Ask your local roaster for a recommendation based on the chocolatey, nutty flavor profile you’re looking for. Grind beans to a coarse grind before brewing.

Brewing Iced Vietnamese Phin Coffee Step-By-Step

Brewing Vietnamese phin coffee is very simple. Here is a step-by-step guide to making authentic Vietnamese iced coffee at home:

You’ll need:

  • Vietnamese phin filter
  • 2-3 tablespoons ground coffee
  • 1 cup hot water (about 200 ml)
  • 1 cup sweetened condensed milk
  • Ice
  • Tall glass

Brewing Method

  1. Take apart the phin and place 2-3 tablespoons of coarsely ground Vietnamese coffee into the chamber.
  2. Gently press the grounds using the phin’s filter cap to remove air pockets. Remove any excess grounds from the rim of the chamber.
  3. Screw the filter cap on tightly to fit over the ground coffee.
  4. Place the phin filter on your cup or glass. Slowly pour about 50 ml hot water (200-205 F) into the chamber and let it bloom for 30 seconds. This helps release flavors.
  5. Next, pour the remaining hot water into the chamber. Allow the coffee to slowly drip through according to package instructions, usually 1-2 minutes.
  6. Gently stir the brewed coffee to homogenize. Add sweetened condensed milk to taste and stir again.
  7. Fill the rest of your glass with ice and pour over the hot phin coffee. Enjoy immediately over ice!

Pro tips

  • Use a coffee-to-water ratio of 2-3 tablespoons of ground coffee to 6 oz (180 ml) water. Adjust to taste.
  • For stronger coffee, let it bloom longer and drip slowly for 2-3 minutes.
  • For hot coffee, brew directly into your cup, omit the ice, and enjoy straight away.

Now that you know how to use a phin filter to make Vietnamese iced coffee, let’s go over some troubleshooting tips for perfect results every time!

Troubleshooting Your Vietnamese Phin Coffee

Here are some common issues and easy fixes to help get cafe-quality Vietnamese coffee from your phin brewer:

  • Coffee drips too fast – Use a finer grind and gently press grounds into the phin chamber. Make sure to screw filter tight.
  • Not strong/concentrated enough – Reduce water, increase the coffee amount, and slow down the drip. Let it bloom longer.
  • Bitter, over-extracted – Use a coarse grind and speed up dripping time. Reduce water temperature.
  • Weak, underextracted – Slow down the drip, use hotter water, and make sure phin parts seal tightly.
  • Sediment in coffee – Make sure to fully stir. Use a coarser grind.
  • Oily film on coffee – Rinse filter thoroughly before use and stir brewed coffee before drinking.

It takes some trial and error to master the phin filter. Focus on using a coarse, consistent grind, the proper coffee-to-water ratio, and controlling your drip time. With a little practice, you’ll be making smooth, delicious Vietnamese phin coffee like a pro.

Vietnamese Phin Coffee vs. Other Brewing Methods

Part of what makes Vietnamese coffee unique is the special phin brewing process. Here’s how it compares to other common coffee extraction methods:

  • French press – Phin uses pressure while the French press is full immersion. Both make strong, robust coffee.
  • Pour over – Slow, manual pour-over allows precise control similar to phin. But phin coffee is stronger.
  • Espresso – While both use pressure, phin coffee is less intense than espresso.
  • Drip machine – Drip machines lack the manual control of phin filters for a more customized cup.

So while you can make strong coffee using other methods, nothing quite compares to the richness of phin-brewed Vietnamese coffee. The phin produces a super concentrated brew that perfectly balances sweetened condensed milk.

Tips for Making the Perfect Cup of Vietnamese Phin Coffee

Here are some extra tips to help you master the art of making excellent Vietnamese phin coffee:

  • Use freshly roasted, high-quality coffee beans and grind right before brewing.
  • Control your phin drip time – faster for bolder coffee, slower for smoothness.
  • Keep all phin parts very clean to prevent residue from affecting the coffee taste.
  • Stir the brewed coffee before enjoying evenly blended flavors.
  • Use coffee within 5 minutes for optimum taste and temperature. Leftover coffee loses flavor.
  • Play around with your sweetened condensed milk ratio depending on your taste preferences.
  • Serve your phin coffee in a tall glass filled with ice for refreshing iced coffee.
  • Buy a traditional Vietnamese Phin filter for authentic results. A capacity of around 6 oz is ideal.

With the proper technique, you can make cafe-quality Vietnamese iced coffee at home using just a phin filter, hot water, and some good coffee beans. The hands-on process allows you to fully control the flavor and strength.


How to make Vietnamese coffee using a Phin filter?

To make Vietnamese coffee using a Phin filter, you’ll first need Vietnamese coffee grounds available from a Nguyen Coffee Supply or similar. Use a single cup of water and about 3 tablespoons of coffee. Place the coffee in the phin filter, wet the grounds gently, and allow the coffee to “bloom.” Afterward, place the filter press on top of the coffee and pour hot water. Allow the coffee to drip slowly inside your cup. The brewing tool known as a phin, provides a unique Vietnamese coffee experience.

What is the correct grind size for the Vietnamese Phin filter?

For Vietnamese Phin coffee filters, you’ll want to use a medium-coarse grind size. If the grind is too fine, the water will not be able to pass through the coffee grounds, but if it is too coarse, the water will pass through too quickly, leading to weak coffee. The goal is a drip rate of one drop per second, which usually means adjusting your grind size to achieve that perfect cup of coffee.

How do I use a Vietnamese Phin filter to make coffee?

Place the Phin filter over your cup and add your coffee grounds to the filter chamber. Wet the grounds with a bit of hot water, allowing the coffee to bloom. After about 20 seconds, fill the Phin with water and place the filter press on the top. The water should drip slowly, one drip per second. If it drips too fast, adjust the press or add more coffee grounds.

How to make Vietnamese coffee with a Phin filter?

You start by placing the Phin filter over your cup. Add about 3 tablespoons of medium-coarse ground coffee into the filter chamber. Dampen the coffee with a little hot water and let it bloom for about 20 seconds. After this, fill up the Phin with hot water, and put the filter press on top of the coffee. Allow the coffee to drip into the cup slowly. The perfect cup of coffee is achieved when the water drips at a rate of one drip per second.

What is the ideal coffee-to-water ratio when brewing Vietnamese coffee?

When brewing Vietnamese coffee, the coffee-to-water ratio depends on personal preference. That said, a traditional ratio often used is 3 tablespoons of coffee to 1 cup of water. If you prefer a stronger cup of Vietnamese coffee, you can add more coffee or reduce the amount of water. Likewise, for a milder flavor, reduce the coffee amount or increase the water.

Can I brew coffee using a Vietnamese Phin filter if I’m a beginner?

Absolutely! The Vietnamese Phin filter is a great coffee brewing tool for beginners. It doesn’t require any complex techniques or equipment. All you need is the Phin filter, coffee grounds of medium-coarse grind size, hot water, and a cup. A beginner can easily learn how to use a Vietnamese Phin filter to create a delicious cup of coffee.

How to keep the coffee hot when using a Vietnamese Phin filter?

The best way to keep the coffee hot is to preheat the cup and the Vietnamese Phin filter before brewing. You can do this by filling both the cup and filter with hot water and then discarding the water before you start brewing. This step will ensure that your coffee stays hot for longer. Also, remember to cover the top of your Phin filter with a lid during brewing to conserve the heat.

Is there a specific grind for Vietnamese coffee using a Phin filter?

Yes, the typical grind size is medium to coarse for brewing coffee with a Phin filter. If your grind is too fine, it will take a longer time to brew and the result might be over-extracted and bitter. Moreover, if your grind is too coarse, the hot water will pass through too quickly resulting in under-extracted and weak coffee. A medium to coarse grind will keep the coffee balanced and delicious.

What type of coffee do I need to use to make Vietnamese coffee?

The traditional variety of coffee used to make Vietnamese coffee is Robusta, but you can use any variety depending on your preference. Nguyen Coffee Supply offers both classic Vietnamese coffee options and innovative offerings like Arabica-Robusta blends for a different taste profile. Ultimately, the coffee grounds should be of a medium-coarse grind size for optimum flow rate and flavor extraction.

How long does it take to brew Vietnamese coffee using a Phin filter?

The brewing time may vary depending on the quantity and grind size of your coffee. However, a well-made brew should take around 4-5 minutes. This includes the time it takes for the coffee to “bloom” and for the hot water to filter through the coffee grounds. Remember, the aim is to achieve a drip rate of about one drop per second – this pace usually provides a rich and flavorful coffee.


Vietnamese phin coffee is a delicious, energizing treat that offers an authentic taste of Vietnam’s unique coffee culture. The Vietnamese have mastered the art of coffee brewing with the iconic phin filter.

Now you can easily make this popular Vietnamese coffee at home. Invite friends over for a coffee-tasting party. Impress guests by serving up perfectly brewed cups of Vietnamese iced coffee made with your own phin filter.

The phin produces nuanced flavor profiles you just can’t replicate with a basic drip coffee machine. With these tips for using a phin, you’ll be making smooth, authentic Vietnamese coffee like an expert.

Key Points

  • Use high-quality, freshly roasted Robusta beans with chocolatey notes
  • Grind beans to a coarse, consistent size right before brewing
  • Use a phin filter brewer and control the drip time
  • Follow the proper coffee-to-water ratio – 2-3 Tbsp per 6 oz water
  • Let the coffee bloom before slowly dripping through the filter
  • Drink immediately after brewing for ideal flavor and temperature

I hope this complete guide gives you all the info, tips, and tricks you need to become a pro at making delicious Vietnamese phin coffee at home! Let me know how your homemade Vietnamese iced coffee turns out.

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