Can You Microwave Dumplings (A Quick Guide)

can you microwave dumplings

Cooking frozen dumplings in the microwave is a quick and easy way to enjoy steamed dumplings without the hassle. With just a few simple steps, you can have a tasty bowl of dumplings ready in minutes using only your microwave.

Read on for a complete guide to microwaving frozen dumplings.

Why Cook Dumplings in the Microwave?

Cooking dumplings in the microwave offers several benefits:

  • It’s incredibly fast – dumplings can be steamed in just 2-3 minutes. No need to wait for the water to boil.
  • There’s minimal cleanup since you don’t need pots or steamers. Just a microwave-safe bowl or plate.
  • You can cook a small batch of just a few dumplings at a time, perfect for one or two people.
  • It’s easy to control cook time and prevent mushiness.

While pan-fried dumplings are crispy and delicious, microwaved dumplings are a great weeknight option when you want steamed dumplings fast. Keep reading to learn how.

How to Choose Frozen Dumplings for the Microwave

Nearly all frozen dumplings can be steamed in the microwave, but there are a few things to look for:

  • Fully cooked: Raw dumplings don’t do as well microwaved. Look for dumplings labeled as fully cooked or pre-steamed.
  • Thin skins: Thicker dumpling skins can toughen up in the microwave. Opt for thinner skins.
  • Smaller dumplings: Larger dumplings may not cook evenly. Stick to mini or bite-sized.

Some good options are Trader Joe’s Chicken Soup Dumplings, Ajinomoto Soup Dumplings, or Ling Ling Potstickers. Avoid very thick-skinned dumplings labeled as “boilable.”

Microwaving Frozen Dumplings in 3 Easy Steps

Microwaving dumplings is simple but there are a few tricks. Follow these steps for perfect steamed dumplings every time.

Arrange Dumplings in a Single Layer

Place frozen dumplings in a microwave-safe bowl or on a microwave-safe plate in a single layer. This ensures they cook evenly. Don’t overcrowd.

For a large batch, cook 10 dumplings at a time. Dumplings release moisture as they steam so they shouldn’t be touching or stacked.

Add Some Water

Add about 1 tablespoon of water per 5 dumplings. This creates steam to properly cook the dumplings.

For a large plate, add water to the outer edges or cover the plate with a wet paper towel. You don’t want the dumplings sitting in the water.

Microwave on High for 2-3 Minutes

Microwave uncovered on high for 2 minutes for 5-10 dumplings. For more dumplings or very frozen dumplings, microwave for 3 minutes.

Let stand for 1 minute before eating. The dumplings will finish steaming. Check for doneness and microwave for 30 seconds more if needed. Overcooking makes the skin tough.

Microwave Dumpling Tips

Follow these tips for microwave dumpling perfection:

  • Don’t crowd: Cook in a single layer in a bowl or on a plate.
  • Use a cover: Covering traps steam. Use a microwave-safe lid or paper towel.
  • Add broth: For more flavor, add 1-2 tbsp broth instead of water.
  • Watch heat: Adjust cook times based on wattage. Lower wattages need longer.
  • Prevent sogginess: Don’t let dumplings sit in the water. Drain after cooking.
  • Cook thawed dumplings less: 1-2 minutes is enough for thawed dumplings.
  • Stir larger batches: Stir halfway for even cooking of more dumplings.
  • Allow standing time: Let dumplings stand for 1 minute before serving.

Full Microwaved Dumpling Recipe

Follow this start-to-finish recipe for perfect microwaved frozen dumplings:


  • 1 package of frozen dumplings (20-40 count)
  • 2-3 tablespoons broth or water
  • Desired dipping sauce


  1. Remove dumplings from the freezer and allow to thaw slightly, about 5 minutes.
  2. Arrange 10 dumplings in a single layer in a microwave-safe bowl or on a plate.
  3. Add 1-2 tablespoons broth or water to the dish. Cover with a paper towel or microwave-safe lid.
  4. Microwave on high for 2-3 minutes until hot and steamed through. Dumplings should look puffy and glossy.
  5. Carefully remove the dish using a potholder. Allow dumplings to rest, covered, for 1 minute.
  6. Transfer the dumplings to a serving bowl. Enjoy immediately with your favorite dipping sauce!
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 to cook the remaining dumplings. For dumplings, stir gently halfway through cooking.


Can you microwave dumplings?

Yes, you can microwave dumplings.

How do you steam dumplings in the microwave?

To steam dumplings in the microwave, place the dumplings in a microwave-safe dish and add a small amount of water. Cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap, leaving a small vent for steam to escape. Microwave the dumplings on high for 2-4 minutes or until they are fully cooked.

Can you cook frozen dumplings in the microwave?

Yes, you can cook frozen dumplings in the microwave. Simply place the frozen dumplings in a microwave-safe dish, and cover them with a microwave-safe lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap, leaving a vent for steam to escape. Microwave the dumplings on high for 2-5 minutes or until they are fully cooked.

Are dumplings fully cooked when steamed in the microwave?

Yes, dumplings are fully cooked when steamed in the microwave.

How long does it take to steam dumplings in the microwave?

The cooking time for steaming dumplings in the microwave can vary depending on the wattage of your microwave and the size of the dumplings. Generally, it takes around 2-4 minutes on high power to steam dumplings in the microwave.

Can you microwave fried dumplings?

While it is possible to microwave fried dumplings, they may not retain their crispy texture. Microwaving can make fried dumplings soft and mushy. It is recommended to reheat fried dumplings using other methods, such as using a steamer or frying them again in a pan.

Can you microwave fresh dumplings?

Yes, you can microwave fresh dumplings. Simply arrange the dumplings in a microwave-safe dish, add a small amount of water, and cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap. Microwave the dumplings on high for 2-4 minutes or until they are fully cooked.

How do you make microwave dumplings crispy?

Microwaving dumplings may not result in a crispy texture. To achieve crispy dumplings, it is recommended to cook them using other methods such as frying or baking.

Can you add the dumplings to the microwave cold?

Yes, you can add the dumplings to the microwave while they are cold.

How do you reheat dumplings in the microwave?

To reheat dumplings in the microwave, place them in a microwave-safe dish, cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap, and microwave on high for 1-2 minutes or until they are heated through.


Steaming frozen dumplings in the microwave produces tender dumplings in a fraction of the time required on the stovetop. Follow the tips in this guide for perfectly cooked microwave dumplings anytime.

Keep a bag of frozen dumplings on hand for instant meals and snacks. And experiment with different broths, dipping sauces, and dumpling flavors. With just a bit of practice, you’ll be a microwave dumpling master!

In Summary

  • Microwaving is a fast way to cook frozen dumplings
  • Use fully cooked dumplings with thinner skins
  • Arrange in a single layer and add a little water
  • Microwave 2-3 minutes on high per batch
  • Allow standing 1 minute after cooking
  • Adjust cook time based on dumplings and microwave wattage
  • Covering and stirring help cook evenly
  • Enjoy restaurant-steamed dumplings in minutes!

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